Guided Meditation: Wealth

 In a guided meditation, your meditation session is led by an outside source - whether that’s another person or a recording you made for yourself. Also, there is a specific purpose for a guided meditation. Your goal might be to manifest something like better health, wealth, or deep relaxation.


One of the hallmarks of a well-guided meditation sequence is that it's open-ended. A point is reached where the subconscious is allowed to take over and insert its own images and symbols. In the following example, the guided part of the imagery is stopped at the point of walking through the doors. This is where the subconscious could take over.

With some practice, the images that arise from beneath the conscious mind can become interpretable and clear.


You can use this guided meditation to help you manifest wealth in your life by making a recording of yourself reading it aloud and then playing the recording as you meditate.


Guided Meditation for Wealth 

Imagine walking in a field, in the soft glow of the moonlight on a pleasantly warm summer evening. The gentle wind causes the tall grass to sway in rhythm. The pleasant scent of the nearby shrubs and flowers intoxicates you as you deeply inhale the moist air.


After holding your deep in-breath for a couple of seconds, you slowly release and continue to walk through the field.


As you’re walking you notice any signs of abundance; piles of gold and diamonds are scattered throughout the field. You think to yourself that there is enough for everyone to be wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.


From a long way away, you can hear the gentle hooting of an owl. As the wind begins to pick up, you can feel the warm air blowing through your hair. You notice a light in the distance that appears to grow larger as you continue walking towards it. You realize that it is a temple - a glorious temple made of gold and lit spectacularly by the full moon.


As you approach the temple, you are filled with a sense of awe. You realize that something amazing is about to happen; this is obviously a place of great prosperity and abundance. You feel that the key to wealth is going to be revealed to you.


When you finally reach the temple, you start up the long, winding stairs. You move quickly and easily up the stairs with minimal effort. The movement is so fluid that it reminds you of an escalator, only much smoother.


After a few moments you reach the top and see a set of large doors made of wood. With tremendous anticipation and excitement, you push against the doors with all your might. The doors open slowly and with a gentle creaking sound. You walk into the temple, which is filled with light streaming down from the ceiling. What do you see in the temple?


How to Make Your Own Guided Meditation

You can make your own guided meditations quite easily. The most important thing to keep in mind is to emphasize the senses. Describe what you see, hear, feel, and smell. Also important is that you feel safe and comfortable. For example, you don't want to imagine being in your bathing suit while in a snowstorm.


Comfort and sensory detail will help you project yourself into the imagery. The images you give yourself and your thoughts around them should be centered on the topic – wealth, in this example. As previously stated, leaving the imagery open-ended will allow you the space to find the answers you're looking for.


When you’re finished, make notes of what you felt and saw. Examine your meditation to determine what you can learn from it. The answers aren't always immediately obvious, but they are there.


Guided meditation can be a powerful tool in your self-development arsenal. Used regularly, it can provide tremendous insight and be used as a problem-solving tool.


Try writing your own guided meditations based on your desires, goals, or challenges, and do it regularly. You’ll be amazed and thrilled at the results you see in your life.

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